Marking emus


Jul 2, 2023
Hello all!

I've posted previously about our mating pair of emus laying a clutch and four chicks hatching. I am raising them currently and they're about seven weeks old. Next week we go to the vet (field trip) for vaccinations and blood testing to determine sex (I was not able to match eggshell to chick when I took them from the nest). What is a good way to mark/differentiate them? I have two prospective homes lined up nearby and want to make sure we get the right sex to the right home after those (expensive) blood tests come back. I know bands are used but any recommendations (and if I couldn't get them in time, a temporary solution)? They love colors and anything different on each other so I don't want them pecking at obvious markings either. I was thinking some sort of paint (any recommendations for nontoxic paint that will stay a while?) under the wings to hide it from the others. Thoughts or suggestions welcome! Here's an instagram reel if you want to see them exploring the great outdoors a few days ago.

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