Most humane way to cull a 4 week old chick


Apr 22, 2023
Hey everyone
I bought a batch of week old chicks and when I unpacked noticed one had a bad leg.

I think it is a slipped tendon. Her name is Robin. I did try to do the chick chair thing but she constantly escaped it. I decided since she was getting food and water and getting around that I would just make accommodations for her and let her be.

I had another chick (Reid)from this group go paralyzed a few days later. I did the chick chair and heavy vitamin b therapy for just over a week and she is wobbly but walking and has been back in with everyone all morning.

When I was cleaning out the brooder I noticed Robin wasn't even putting weight on her leg. I had spent all my time with Reid that I didn't even notice and I feel terrible.

When I finally picked her up her leg is almost twisted backwards. I know I have to cull her because she is in a lot of pain.
What is the most humane way to do this to an almost 4 week old chick?

I read another post that said sharp snips if they are under 3 weeks but we are just past that and I don't want to have her suffer.

Thank you

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