Mother hen attacking older chicks


Dec 1, 2022
I have 2 hens that successfully raised a few chicke each which are now around a month or a bit more old. The hens first seemed to just loose interest in them which I figured was normal. But now this last week they seem to be actively bullying them. Jumping on top of them ans pecking them. The other hems seem uninterested just the two mother hens seem to do this. Is this normal?
My golden Wyandotte Myrtle had two chicks then when they were about eight weeks old she started to peck them when they tried to be close to her. If they are eating she chases them away even if she herself has something nice to eat. Then she eats their food. She is on the bottom of the pecking order so I thought maybe she needs to pick on someone as she is always excluded by the other 2 big girls.
Now she has two new chicks and she is even worse! Both her older chicks are so neurotic, they are even afraid of the babies!!!!
Is this normal behaviour?

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