Mutant Chick?????


9 Years
Mar 9, 2010
Yelm, WA
So, it was looking on Sunday like only 1, maybe 2, of my 3 eggs was going to hatch. I had started with 7 Wade Jeane x Bev Davis Black Copper Marans eggs, and only 3 made it to lock down.

My DH and I agreed that we didn't want to have a lonely chick, so I went to the feed store to see if they had any RIR chicks left since the last one I bought (supposed to be a pullet) is a roo. They had Australorps, Barred Rocks, and Polish, but were out of RIRs. I went to the other feed store, and they had RIRs, so I bought a RIR pullet plus a Gold Sex Link.

Yesterday I got to thinking about those Polish chicks. I've heard there can be problems with other chickens picking on them because they think they’re “odd”. I finally decided, oh, what the heck, and went over and bought one. I put it in the brooder with the others and went out to clean stalls and feed the horses and chickens.

My DH comes marching out and says, “What the h*ll is that thing in the brooder? That didn’t come from that 3rd egg, did it?” I just about fell down laughing.
He thought it was a mutant chick that had hatched from the BCM egg – he’d never seen a Polish chick before.
Yes, it is odd looking compared to the others. It's a White Crested Black Polish bantam, and it's going to be quite the unusual addition to our rather eclectic flock.
That's hilarious.... enjoy your odd adition, it'll probably turn out to be his favprite chicken out of the bunch!
How funny! I've been thinking about adding that to my list of what to get when we finally are able to get some chickens. I think now I'll have to just for the sheer fun of watching DH and his daughter flip out!
Thanks for a good laugh!

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