My 2 year old rooster laid an egg!!!


Mar 26, 2021
A couple years ago, we had 2 roosters, but we didn't want them fighting, so they were always kept separate. Especially from the hens. At night, they were kept in a crate, and in the daytime they were kept in a separate pen. One day we woke up to take our roosters out of their crates and there was a small egg sitting under our rooster. None of our hens got out of their pen the day before and the egg wasn't in there when we put the rooster in there the night before. The egg was still fairly warm, it could have either been from the rooster sitting on it or from it recently being laid. I've been doing research, and I found that this is not the first time someone has found a rooster laying an egg. Never laid an egg after this, it was a one time occurrence and we still are unsure on whether something was wrong with the rest are or if it was a rooster at all. All we knew is that it had a huge comb, and it would crow every morning, and it had huge Spurs. In my opinion, that's considered a rooster, but I'm still not sure could any of you tell me if he was actually a rooster or if there was something else going on.
Someone pranked you. Or your rooster decided to announce to the world that he was a she. Roosters don't lay eggs. If they do, they're a hen.
I have heard of that some people got rid of their roosters, and then after the remaining girls molted one turned out to look and act just like a rooster. Maybe the rooster decided to switch that around?

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