Yeah I had a single chick that did the same thing and the only way I could get him to stop was to hold him! It need company and stuffed toys and even a feather duster won’t work. It definitely needed another chick! My neighbor happened to have some that just hatched so I got a few from her. Funny thing is, when I added the other chicks, the single chick went after them, pecking them. He didn’t want them in his brooder!! He was alone for three days I think and didn’t think he was a chicken!! But after a little while he figured out he was like them. Lol He started eating much better after I added them and no more peeping! I also feed my chicks warm mash a few times a day just to make sure they’re getting enough. They love it! Also at that time I start training them to come when I say, chick, chick, chick. I continue the training everyday and when they go to the coop and start free ranging, I can call them back to the run. I hope this helps. 😊

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