My chickens are EATING EACH OTHER????


Dec 27, 2020
So I've always had a problem with egg eating in the coop bc my neighbors have lights in their backyard that keeps my chickens awake at night. To try and slow it down I started giving them food in the coop at night so that they would eat the food instead of the eggs but instead about 6 nights ago when I checked their baby monitor I saw they were attacking one of their sisters as a group! I ran outside and grabbed the hen who was messed up and really bloody! I put her in one of my quarantine coops overnight and went to bed. Next morning I found another one of my hens dead?? She was partially eaten so I went back on the nights tapes again to make sure it wasn't a predator and again it was my fock attacking as a group!! The female I found dead was actually the main aggravator from the first attack so I thought the other chickens just got fed up and ended it but the next night the same thing happened again! Came outside and found one of my buff orpingtons killed and eaten!

I only (had) a flock of nine in an 80 ft coupe so it couldn't be cluster stress! After losing the third hen I finally just decided to split them up using the dog cages to where they can still see one another but can't attack. They all have their own individual water and food. What do I do?? I've spoke with the neighbor about the light and there's no way to manually control it apparently so I've been covering the coop windows at night. I really don't even think it's enough light to keep them up? It's just a little more than usual..

What do I do?????
So I've always had a problem with egg eating in the coop bc my neighbors have lights in their backyard that keeps my chickens awake at night. To try and slow it down I started giving them food in the coop at night so that they would eat the food instead of the eggs but instead about 6 nights ago when I checked their baby monitor I saw they were attacking one of their sisters as a group! I ran outside and grabbed the hen who was messed up and really bloody! I put her in one of my quarantine coops overnight and went to bed. Next morning I found another one of my hens dead?? She was partially eaten so I went back on the nights tapes again to make sure it wasn't a predator and again it was my fock attacking as a group!! The female I found dead was actually the main aggravator from the first attack so I thought the other chickens just got fed up and ended it but the next night the same thing happened again! Came outside and found one of my buff orpingtons killed and eaten!

I only (had) a flock of nine in an 80 ft coupe so it couldn't be cluster stress! After losing the third hen I finally just decided to split them up using the dog cages to where they can still see one another but can't attack. They all have their own individual water and food. What do I do?? I've spoke with the neighbor about the light and there's no way to manually control it apparently so I've been covering the coop windows at night. I really don't even think it's enough light to keep them up? It's just a little more than usual..

What do I do?????
Cull them all and buy new birds. To me this is unacceptable behavior and I would not try any other remedy other than culling. I have tried, trust me and it was a severe waste of time and money. Whenever I'm outside farming I always take the time to observe the flock(s) and I pluck the extremely aggressive out and place them in a coop/run with the other aggressive turds (not cannibals).
Cull them all and buy new birds. To me this is unacceptable behavior and I would not try any other remedy other than culling. I have tried, trust me and it was a severe waste of time and money. Whenever I'm outside farming I always take the time to observe the flock(s) and I pluck the extremely aggressive out and place them in a coop/run with the other aggressive turds (not cannibals).
You think I can salvage a few of my laying hens that aren't being that aggressive because I do have two that hide in the nesting boxes while the others attack
Cull them all and buy new birds. To me this is unacceptable behavior and I would not try any other remedy other than culling. I have tried, trust me and it was a severe waste of time and money. Whenever I'm outside farming I always take the time to observe the flock(s) and I pluck the extremely aggressive out and place them in a coop/run with the other aggressive turds (not cannibals).
Sounds like that'd be fine, except if they are egg eaters they would have to go too.

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