My dog killed my ducks

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I am happy to report, and update, that since this tragic event happend in early May I have moved all the ducks to their own Duck House and fenced run/yard. Hubby bought me more baby ducks the next day and daughter brought more for my birthday/Mother's Day so now we have 17 ducks that have survived happily in their own house/yard area without incident for the past 3 months.

My chickens still free range and Lucy has never had a problem with them. I truly believe she just did not know what the ducks were since I had gotten them and never exposed her to them till that day I let them out of the fenced yard to play. Since that time she sees them every day through the fence and I take her every once in awhile through their run to walk amongst them. She has shown no further interest in them. I still do not let them free range and might not ever.

We also got baby goats this week and I'm working with Lucy to get her used to those as well. I also got a new GSD puppy, Scarlett, that I am also having to work with and introduce to chickens, ducks, peacocks (new), and goats. Lucy and Scarlett are learning together how to guard the farm and all the livestock. Since Scarlett is a puppy she does stay in house or in locked fenced area when not on leash or under strict supervision.

Lucy was a stray and was obviously abused because she is so quick to drop and roll or duck her head and tail if you so much as look at her wrong. She is so anxious to please.

Since May I have been giving her more attention and time. Prior to that she was mostly staying under the house and only coming out for food/water (her choice not ours). Now she's a regular member of our farm and family.

I think she's going to be just fine.
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