my duck doesn’t know how to quack ? lol


Aug 16, 2023
my two ducks (8 weeks) don’t know how to quack. that’s what i’m assuming lol. i’ve never really picked them up individually as they were “wild” before (they left and came back this spring, i’ve talked abt it in a previous post) but the other day the one came up to me and let me pet her, i noticed her quack was almost raspy? or squeaky? not much of a quack at all. they all usually quack over eachother so i never noticed until now but her brother has the same problem. the rest are fine, i checked them all. is there something wrong? or just late development? i changed their bedding theee days ago (i power washed the whole house) so i don’t think it’s a respiratory infection, and they seem happy and fine. just a weird wheezy quack. their breathing is normal and they do normal duck things. is this something i should be concerned about?
no curl! but i could have sworn they both had a quack when they were younger, or does that go away ? i’ll see if i can get it on video
Yep, boys can sound like they are starting to quack as their voices change. I have had it happen twice. Then, they keep peeping but get raspy like they have a sore through. All ducks start out with female type coloration. See also if the two have slightly different colored bills from the others.

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