My duck hunt.... literally on the hung for a new duckling


10 Years
Feb 8, 2009
Northern, Illinois
On my first hatch years ago 9 out of 9 began to pip, and 8 out of 9 hatched. Sadly the only one that didn't make it had been an unexpected little brown duckling in a hatch that was supposed to be all Pekins. I was so disappointed because it was the only brown one. When that one passed away we still had two left that were hatching. The last one was taking much longer than the others, but when it hatched it was a little brown one! My son [then only 2 years old] instantly claimed the little ducky as his and named him Sully. Sully ended up being a beautiful Indian Runner. He was the sweetest but sadly died two winters ago.

One day a few months ago my son said he missed Sully and wanted another brown duck. Since I only have Pekins I couldn't hatch any so decided to surprise him for Easter with one. Easter weekend I set out on a hunt for a brown duckling. I went to Farm n Fleet where they sell a variety of ducklings and chicks. When I walked up they were all gone! I asked the worker and since it was just days before Easter he was hesitant to talk about it until I said I have ducks and hatch my own. Then he told me where to go. Since the next place that had them was a bit of a drive I called before hand. When I called they had 9 Pekin ducklings. I didn't want that breed, but figured it would do. My Mom and I drove there and decided to use the bathroom before we stopped by the duckling pen. When we looked, it was empty, light was off, it was ghost town in duckland. We asked the worker and he said a man had literally just walked out with all 9. He said we could go over to Wisconsin (I live in Illinois) and called to make sure they had some available. They only had mallards. I didn't really want mallards since I had hatched wild ones and they were skiddish and nothing like my sweet Pekins. Then I thought well domesticated ones have got to be more tame so Mallards will do. My Mom and I set out on a mini roadtrip to Wisconsin. Upon arriving the girl tells us all Mallards are skiddish and will eventually fly away. I had them boxed and ready to go but decided not to get them and went home disappointed and empty handed.

I told my son [now 5 years old] on Easter what our plan was and that he is getting two new brown ducklings. He was so excited. I told him we would go when they got the delivery in. The plan was set to get his ducklings and I luckily decided to call before I set out 45 minutes away. They were sold out already! The lady checked her chart and the next delivery was today but they were only getting Pekins, and May 11 they were getting Cayugas! I've always wanted Cayugas so we are waiting until May 11th!! After all the trouble I see now it just wasn't meant to be and this is why, now we will get what we really want! I'm so excited!
Maybe if you call the night before and ask they will hold 2 for you since it's such a long drive & you don't want to make yet another fruitless trip...worth a try anyway.

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