My hen is traumatized


Apr 10, 2021
So, there was an accident with a cat which killed one of my flock members, and ever since then, my usually friendly and loving Hen has been acting terrified. She doesn't even let me get close to her when usually I could walk right up without her running away. She still eats out of my hand, but I'm just wondering why she's so terrified. She's not scared of my dad or sister, just my brother and I. I never did anything to hurt her so I don't know why she's acting like this. No matter how much I spend time with her she doesn't change. Does anybody know the cause?
Did your hen ever recover socially? We had a hawk attack and land on top of our hen. She is ok physically from what I can tell. She is eating, drinking and gets off and on her roost but she is just hanging out in the coop for most of the day. Fortunately, we have a broody and some smaller chickens that are keeping her company for now since it's been cold and windy. She then heads back to her spot on the roost for the night but I'm worried she is traumatized from the attack. It's been 13 days now. Any insights and thoughts are much appreciated.
i'm not the most experienced with birds, but I had a parakeet once, and just like all birds, they are extremely sensitive and easily frightend by people and things. I know that it takes a lot of patience and time to earn their trust. My first flock of 8 hens were all hand-fed by me as chicks. Even with that, none of them but one would ever really warm up to me except for eating out of my hand. They didn't want to be touched. Only the one took to me and would always sit on my shoulder when I was in the coop to feed her. I think it takes time to regain trust from birds. They don't call them "flighty" for nothing. :)

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