My roo lucky is unlucky

Tommy Kirby

Jan 17, 2018
Aldenville P.A
My roo is very social, but very unlucky! The pretty boy went missing when he was 8 months old. He finally was found after6 days no food or water. He was stuck in between a hay feeder for the goats. Fast forward, he became our favorite. We have 3 other roos so he got picked on trying to reintroduce him to the coop so we had to keep him by himself.

We hooked him up with a hen or two and he was quite happy until the spring when a fox took his hens. We hooked him with another hen and he was fine until the winter came. Then he lost his toes to frostbite and because of his immune system was weak the mareks virus took hold and he went blind.

This roo Lucky was so social he would come around back when we would barbecue and sit on the deck and just watch us.

This April his other hen died and we replaced her with another and two months later she died. Now he's alone and blind I feel so bad for him.
P.s what breed of chicken is he?


  • 20180722_123343.jpg
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Looks like looks like an easter egger mix.Hs immune system and the reason he caught mareks could be because your bringing in random birds,not just once but continuously.If your going to by adult birds,Seperate them for quaritine.

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