My silkie pullet is broody!!!

red rosecomb

12 Years
Sep 28, 2008
Pretoria- South Africa
I have the most exciting news, my silkie is broody. The puzzling thing is that she only srarted laying eggs 3 weeks ago but now she is broody. i know silkies are the most broody of the chicken world but isnt that a bit too soon. I mean my other hens layed for 3 months and then they got broody.

I'm not too suprised about this, she was brooding on the 6 week old chicks weeks before she started laying.

Anyway she's been broody for 4 days now, not moving at all, can i trust her with some eggs ( she's been sitting on 2 eggs) yet?

thanks for all advice and suggestions
Your silkie sounds like mine
She laid 17 eggs and then went broody. I set 6 eggs under her on the 10th, so they are due next weekend...I'm so excited to see what hatches out!!!!! We have a mixed flock so most of our chicks will be mutts, but I'm still so excited.

She has been doing a great job, sitting every day but still getting up to eat and drink and poop. She inspects her eggs and turns them and seems to really "care" about's adorable. I bet yours will be the same.
She is the sweetest chicken I've ever owned and the most submisive. she is the only chicken I (and my mom) allow in the house
. I pick her up often and pet her. She gets bullied a lot by the other chickens thats why we like to keep her close by us.

We have a mix flock too. I have a pekin hen and i was told they make the best broodies but she started eating her eggs days before they were due to hatch. i never trusted her with eggs since. I hope my silkie doesnt eat her eggs!!

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