Need a little help

I agree I have two cockerels that are terrified of my rooster and don’t crow and don’t fight idk why they don’t fight it might be because they were raised together or they’re afraid my big roo will join in
They're all different, but usually cockerels will grow more bold as they get older and bigger, when the hormones kick in full force. It's best to settle them before that happens to avoid disruption of the flock because it can have an effect on egg production. Your guy is still pretty young.
2 Barred Plymouth Rock pullets Winifred and Sarah, 23 weeks old

1 Golden Laced Polish pullet, Karen, 19 weeks

1 Black Copper Maran rooster, Hei Hei, 19 weeks old

1 Blue Silkie pullet, Niblet, 19 weeks old

1 Easter Egger rooster, Rob, 19 weeks old

1 Easter Egger pullet, Jelly Bean, 19 weeks old

1 Lavender Orpington Roo, Foghorn, 26 weeks old

1 Blue copper Maran pullet, Spunky, 26 weeks old

2 Black copper Maran pullet, Mother Clucker and Chungus, 26 weeks old

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