Need Help, Pheasants hatching, I think somethings wrong

All I know is keep it away from a waterer. For some reason pheasant chicks like yours dive into them head first and drown. Maybe from the lack of coordination.
Hi! I'm not sure I can help- I have only hatched pheasant eggs 2 times. I would have helped the one that was in there 48 hrs- I might be wrong to but I would have picked and watched for blood after the 24-30 hrs was up. If I run into even a little blood I quit- let it rest- covered with a dampened paper towl -another 5 hrs or so and try again. I can't help myself..!!

The piping and not going any further can be several things. Most likely a problem with the humidity cuz they need to be able to turn to zip-only a hole means they couldn't zip (turn in the shell to open it up.) .. It can be temps being off that makes the chick off-legs not right. And yes give it a day or so. I have even feed a weak chickie in there.

Can you candle the one left and see if it is moving? - I like to hold them up to my ear and hear them pecking. One of these days a rotten one will explode.

Some times you have to try several times to catch what is going wrong. Also you can make notes so you remember just how many times temps jumped or humidity was low.. Hope this helps. Some where here there is a chick hatching guide!! Susan

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