Need Silkie advice


12 Years
Jun 16, 2007
Stilwell, KS
To all Silkie folks: I am thing of getting some Silkies this Spring. I am not sure if I will try hatching eggs or ordering chicks. I would like to end up with 2 pullets and one roo. They would have their own little coop and run next to my heavy breeds. If they are together in their own space will one roo be too hard on two pullets? I know most people have a hen/roo ratio of 10:1. If I order eggs from a breeder how many should I get to allow for hatch rate success and the goal of getting two pullets and one roo? I have never tried incubating eggs but would love to try because a lot of breeders don't ship chicks and to get chicks I would need to order from a hatchery and the quality might not be as good. Thank you all for your advice.
Silkies do get bare back quickly with an active rooster. You can solve that by keeping him seperated in a little cage for part of the day or in a sectioned off part of the run. You can use chicken aprons too but those don't protest the wings and the wings get bare to. Four to one is a better ratio.

Since theoretically you will hatch 50% of each you should get 8 eggs. We all know it does not always work that way. You probably should get a dozen and if your hatch is sucessful you will have enough to choose the trio you want, or quad or whatever.
Thanks Jaynie, I will consider your advice in my plan. I noticed you have Favorelles and that is going to be my next addition to the large breed ladies. Yours look beautiful.

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