new chickens bad beaks


In the Brooder
12 Years
Sep 11, 2007
I bought several chickens from that live in very bad conditions. when i got home with them i noticed that 3 had hardly no upper beak at all. i have watched thae over the past few days and thay seem to be eating and drinking well. but still concerned. can any one give me advice on wether or not there beaks will grow back and what i need to do to help them out. thanks russ
Sounds like their beaks were trimmed at some point in the past. A lot of the big hatcheries trim beaks of the chicks they grow out for 'started pullets' since they are packed in tight conditions and can start to peck one another.

Depends on how and when and how much was trimmed as to whether the beak will grow back.

If they are full grown or started pullets, it is likely to be permanent.

Yep, sounds like they were debeaked. Nothing you can do for them now other than keep the feeders full so they can eat and the water dishes deep so they can drink. It's basically like cutting off and cauterizing your finger tips so that your nail cant grow. Except it's done to their equivalent of hands, their beak.
Waterers and food dishes that are deep rather than wide can help...
Thanks for rescuing them.

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