New layer squatting A LOT. Is this normal?


Jun 2, 2023
North Florida/Panhandle
My flock is just starting to lay. I know squatting is their way of accepting a mate (we don’t have any roosters) but my leghorn who started laying last week is squatting a crazy amount. Every time I walk into the run she gets in front me me a just stands there squatting with her wings slightly out. She even blocked the run door this morning squatting. Wouldn’t move even with me nudging her a little with the door. I had to actually push her out of the way to get in. She seems completely healthy and has been laying consistently since she started. Is squatting this aggressively normal behavior?
I would not worry about it. It will lessen as time goes on. Before I had roosters (they won't squat for humans if you have a rooster) I would just give them a pat, and they do the shake dance and go on.

Mrs K
Thank you! I’ve been giving her little pets each time and I’ll continue. It’s wild because she was so flighty prior to this. I haven’t been able to get near her since she was about 6 weeks old! Now I can pet her, pick her up, anything.
It’s wild because she was so flighty prior to this. I haven’t been able to get near her since she was about 6 weeks old! Now I can pet her, pick her up, anything.
I could have written this word for word. Our comet was so sweet and easy to handle until about a week after we moved them outside. Couldn't get near her until she started squatting at 20 weeks. Now we're buddies again. I don't get chickens 😫

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