New to Turkeys


10 Years
Apr 16, 2012
Texas, USA
Hey! I've raised chickens for off and on for probably 10 years, but want to start with turkeys.. How different are they overall and is there anything I should know before I start? I have 50 acres and thought of letting them roam as we have random predators on our camera VERY RARELY (for now). I'd appreciate any info!
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Turkeys are definitely different than keeping chickens. They need a bit of direction when young. Chicks hatch with instincts, poults hatch ready to learn. They also can be more clumsy, but not all. They are nosey birds, and are easily tamed, and can be taught to come when called.

I personally wouldn't let them roam free unless you want them everywhere. On your car, house, looking in your windows. They are very curious birds. They also can wander off, sometimes following the wild turkeys.

They are very winter hardy birds that don't require a lot in housing. They need a place to roost out of the elements. Turkeys will often stay outside in bad weather as their feathers are good at repelling rain and snow.

I suggest you read all you can, and perhaps pick up a copy of Storeys book for turkeys as a general reference.

You will need to feed a higher protein gamebird ration as poults. Than as adults they can be fed an All Flock type ration.

The biggest concern with turkeys is the disease blackhead. Either it's in your soil or it isn't, and can be spread by chickens. So checking with your local extension office might be a good idea to see if they know. Otherwise you just keep some and see. Preferably where chickens haven't been kept.

Turkeys sometimes get killed by predators. Coyote, fox, owls, and raccoon have killed birds here.

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