Occasional clear poops and possible mites?


Jun 9, 2020
Central New Hampshire
I was just gathering the eggs and noticed that these tiny dark pinpoint bugs were all over the nesting box door and the eggs, which I can only assume means they’re infesting the whole coop. I have no idea if they’re a problem or not, I’ve been seeing them for weeks on my hands but I just assumed they were dust mites or something from work. I haven’t noticed any irritation on myself from them, but I have noticed a couple members of my flock with dirty/poopy butt feathers and occasional watery squirts. They otherwise seem fine, no paleness or lethargy and eating me out of house and home. I don’t know if these bugs are a bad thing that I need to get rid of and possibly causing these symptoms in my flock or if they’re kind of just a neutral part of keeping chickens and the watery poops are more stress related to the reestablishment of the pecking order from integrating two flocks. Do I bother trying to get rid of them and if so how?

note: these watery poops could be caused by excess water, I’m not ruling it out, though the highest temp we’ve had so far this year is maybe 60? They do free range but I haven’t given them especially watery treats myself.

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