One mean duck!

I have a question about the bully pen. Are they supposed to stay inside the pen in the garage, or can we bring the pen outside for a little while away from the other ducks to get some sun? The Indian Runner also has something going on with his eyes too. I was wondering if it is foamy eye or something else? He is okay other wise and is not coughing or sneezing. We are putting saline solution on it, but the crustiness is stuck to the skin.
I usually just put mine in a separate pen where everyone can still see each other. Depending on how well yours can jump and fly, you could just do a separate fenced off area.

If they were picking on your runner, it may have gotten pecked at or potentially not been allowed to clean as much. Keeping it clean with saline with definitely help and encouraging him to bathe. You can treat it with terramycin if you are worried about infection. Depending on where you live, you may be able to get it at TSC, or else online. I have found it on amazon. Otherwise you will need a vet to prescribe it.

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