Oooh, I'm so jealous!

Country Gal

12 Years
Feb 2, 2007
Capac, MI
I placed my order for 25 chicks last Friday and selected an April 23rd delivery date. I figured that living in Michigan, that would be a safe bet for somewhat warmer weather and a safer transit for the chicks, along with giving me plenty of time to get the coop finished up. Oh, but I'm so jealous reading all the posts from people who are receiving their chicks now!
The photos are just too cute! The next 9 weeks are going to be agony!!! I can't wait for them to arrive!
Good Girl! I'm sure your patience will be rewarded with a box full of happy healthy chicks! So what did you order? Do Tell and we can hold your hand until they get there:)
I ordered Silver Laced Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons, and Light Brahmas. Based on the descriptions, they should all lay through the winter without much problem, so I'm looking forward to lots of eggs through the winter!

While I wasn't originally planning on trying to hatch any of my own eggs, after reading all the various posts, I'm tempted to give that a try at some point too!

I think I'm already adicted to chickens and I haven't even gotten them yet!

I think the real clincher for me for being hooked on chickens, was the day that I saw my first chick do a wing and back leg stretch!!!
Has to be one of the sweetest thing ever! That and when they fall over sleeping!

Wahhhhhh! I want more!!!
Country Gal, Congrats on your new venture. It's really fun to have a batch of new peeps. One can sit and watch them for hours at a time. They are just too much fun.
Good Luck on a safe delivery. Gotta love them Brahmas.

I saw that this morning for the very first time ever! 2 cuute!
I have a little one 'convalescing' with bandaided splayed leg who is sleeping with her fuzzy butt in the air!!lol
I was looking at the pictures!!! So SWEET!!! I miss having a chick in my hands. I don't have that big a coop so I can only stick with the four I have. WAHHHHHH! My DH is toying with the idea of putting in a duck pond though! Now I have to research everything I can on ducks!!! Maybe I'll ask for advice here! Sigh.... people must be getting sick of me already and I've only been here three days! LOL!

Good luck with you baby!
DH would kill me if I got another chicken and I agree that I'm jealous with all of you fortunate folks that are hatching and getting chicks.
That stretch just cracks me up too...or the twisty neck reach to get to the preen gland...

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