Our hens don't seem to be eating their pellets

Chickens can get deeply disturbed by major alterations to routine and traumatic events, I'm sure they have some residual PTSD and will start eating again soon. I would bring down food to them daily and even maybe change your feed containers for the short term to see if the change stimulates them to start eating again, plus you will know the feed is fresh.
It’s from the stress of being almost eaten and losing a friend. Chickens get very attached to each other just like people do. Think of it this way. A group of childhood friends are suddenly attacked causing them to run for their lives. One of them doesn’t make it and is brutally murdered in front of the others. They not only lost a loved one, but are also dealing with the trauma of almost being killed themselves. Do you think that they are going to be back to themselves with a healthy appetite only two days after?
YEAH they have started to eat again!! :celebrate
Thank you everyone for your help and recommendations it's greatly appreciated. We have a chicken tractor we will be using from now on.
Goid news, glad to hear! So which (if any) of our excellent suggestions did you actually use?

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