Peafowl diet and entertainment questions

I have to ask how your house peacock is doing. It would be so much fun to have one inside but diapers would be a must here. Hahaha, can't you hear me excusing myself because I have to change my peacocks diaper. Wondering.....if you are sitting on the couch and he is on the couch, can you reach over a pet him? I've heard of people having pet Llamas in the house. I'm afraid our allergies eliminates anything but our 2 Miniature Australian Shepherds.

Hi all,

long time, was busy with school, and was happy to find many posts by other people with beautiful images of peacocks. Treat!
Anyway, I wanted to ask you guys if this diet is ok for my peacock. he is very picky and won't just eat anything.

We feed him:
Bread for breakfast(Sprouted 10 grain protein bread-not floury or doughy, very fibrous, with large grains), water, or tomato juice- I bread harmful for birds?
then he gets some spring mixed greens, or tomatoes, or peas, sometimes grapes, are fruits ok? How many eggs he can eat?
at night he usually gets some chicken or egg, sometimes I cook him spaghetti or barley.
But- he begs a lot, and refuses to eat if we don't give him our food too, so during the week, he sometimes eats: sushi(1pc), indian curries, and other entrees. Is that harmful?
For some reason he also loves cardamom seeds, lemon seeds, fresh ginger, garlic, onion- are they harmful?

We got him grain feed, but he hates it, and since we can only buy 30lb bags, it goes stale very fast, then we have to throw it away.

Another question: What can we do to entertain him when he is home alone?
He stays at home, and sleeps in laundry room. In the day he roams, and looks from windows, also he has a mirror that he lays by and pecks at compulsively. Is there something else we can do or give him, so he does not get bored? We play with him over weekends, but in the weekdays he is alone.

Thank you for help.

This is a bad idea. LOL Trust me, I learned from personal experience. How old is Henri? Because, like previously mentioned once he matures sexually and it's spring time, he will attack you. I hand raised my peacock, Wild Bill Peacock, from a hatchling. He firmly believes I am part of his flock. He thinks he needs to be inside the house (I do not let him inside anymore and haven't since he was several months old). Billy is now three years old. He has attacked me and actually cut the top of my head open with his spurs while I was mowing the yard. Not to mention the giant scratchmarks down my back. He constantly tries to "herd" me, he flies onto my vehicle when I'm trying to leave and he will chase my car down the road. I am in an abusive relationship with my bird and I am the victim!! LOL I love him dearly, but if I could have done things differently, I would have. He even has a flock of peahens now, I thought that would help. It only helped a little. I'm not trying to be a Debbie downer, maybe this won't happen but.... be prepared! Where are his crown feathers? I wish you the best of luck. I tried to attach a photo of Bill in my house on the coffee table but it wouldn't load. :)
WOW on the peacock having the run of the house.

I'm a single man living alone....and as mst on this forum know i love my birds...but myself i couldn't do that...

Thing people need to remember it may be cute for a little peachick wanting to ride on your head or shoulder......but need to break that habit....a full grown peacock...will do alot of damage with his nails.

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