poop vs. lawn

Whats with dogs and chicken poop, I have a dog that acts like its filet mignon. I thought he was just a wierdo now I see he's not all that goofy, at least for eating chicken dung anyway.
After almost 2 years I have no lawn in the run,lol. I have not noticed an issue with a poop here and there on the grass. Seems no worse than the dog poo. Oh and I agree that dogs will roll in it.
I agree, move it often. The grass won't look very good but when it grows back it will be beautiful!! I had huge issues with what the chickens would do to our lawn when my DH was trying to sell me on the idea of chickens - I love a nice lawn.
The first time we left the coop a week, the grass was totalled, I was NOT happy. It took a while for it to grow back but when it did the grasss was more lush & green than it had ever been. I now don't mind the poop, (except when they poop on the patio) it breaks down very quickly, usually after one good rainfall its soaked into the soil - not like dog poop that can still be intact even after a long snowy winter.
Oh great besides our 9 month old puppy eating duck poop he's now going to dine on chicken poop . LOL... He will also be getting more baths !!!!!
If you think they like chicken poo, you never saw the way one reacts to getting access to a cat box

"They have fewer germs in their mouths than you do!" "I DON'T THINK SO! At least I don't like my... self and eat cat poo!!"

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