Possible hawk??


11 Years
Jul 23, 2008
South Carolina
We noticed two days ago that one of our chickens were missing. We looked everywhere...no sign of feathers anywhere. We have about 1/2 acre fenced that we allow them access to every day. Occassionally, one or two might get out over the fence, but they never go far. We figured that one got out, and something carried her off.

When we went down to the coop this evening, all of the chickens and turkeys were in the coop and under the roost. It was obvious something had spooked them. After finally counting 27 birds, we decided they were all there, and closed the coop for the night. But, when we walked around the corner, we found a whole pile of feathers from one of our bantam cochins.

We have seen hawks in the immediate area. They have even killed my mother-in-law's wild birds that she feeds. So we are assuming that hawks are the culprits.

Any suggestions as to what to do?

Nothing you can do except provide protection for them overhead. Hawks rarely ever ground hunt except when the rarely miss the kill the first strike.

Short of a good dog or overhead cover for the girls...you cannot stop the hawks.

Sorry for your loss of the cochin.
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There is quite a bit of overhead shelter...trees, a small pen, etc... We hate the idea of confining them to a smaller area. What types of dogs are best? I have a lab already, but I think she would be a bigger problem than the hawks!!

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