Question about Ducks and Imprinting.


Mar 20, 2016
Molino, Florida
My husband and I are first time duckling owners. We purchased our first batch of ducks yesterday from a local hatchery. They are newborns.

My question is how do you know when a duckling has imprinted on you? I have two ducklings that love to sit in my lap, and "talk" to me. I have two other ducklings that think I'm a monster. Haha! Is it possible that the other two ducklings have imprinted on me, or have they just taken a liking to me?

Thank you!
I am going to guess that they really like you
If they follow you they have imprinted on you.

This this this! Imprinted ducklings follow you everywhere. Mine followed me down the sidewalk (boy did I get some looks), and they kept me company while I gardened. They also would peep in their brooder if they heard my voice, and would run along the sides to be as close as possible whenever I was in the kitchen.

My Imprinted ducklings also "groomed" me in a way that my non Imprinted ones never did. At least I assume it was grooming or something affectionate and curious like that. They bit bit bit my clothes and hair and face. I actually had to be careful because they got my face pretty good a couple times. Maybe mine were just jerks, lol.
Thank you! I definitely do get groomed by my duckies. Two of them just started grooming me today, after acting terrified of me for the last three days. I can also hold all four of them at one time, in my lap. <3 I'm so in love! I hope they love me too, even if it turns out that they have not imprinted on me. I'm going to try later today to walk away from them when my husband is home to make sure that they do not run into any nooks and crannies in the room.
"Imprinting" only occurs in newborn duckies when they bond to their caretaker (Mom) from day one. I think what you want is for your ducks to become friendly and attached to you. Just by being kind, moving slow and being the one who feeds them day in and day out, your ducks will become attached to you. It may take a long time, but they will rely on you and look forward to seeing you (and your yummy food!)

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