Question about turkeys flying


Apr 15, 2020
Hi everyone, I’ve been out of touch for a few months. I have 3 midget white turkeys, about 8-9 months old, I’m wondering if they are good flyers?

I have a 30-40 foot branch dangling over my aviary, and I was afraid it would fall and hit the turkeys. The tree is on public land in the town next to mine (the town line goes thru my yard), I’ve had no success in reaching anyone who can help so I’m working out a new living space and for now they are in a small pen, safely under my raised deck. I have a small fenced yard attached, where I let my dogs out, and I’m wondering how likely the turkeys would be to fly if I let them out to wander around in the small yard when the dogs are not using it. The fence is about 3 1/2 feet tall and then the larger yard around it also has the same height fence, but I ran hardware cloth along the top of the fence making it 5-6 feet with wobbly hardware cloth on top to keep the deer out.

How likely are they to fly out of the small fence? And if they did get into the yard how likely are they to get over the taller fence that’s wobbly on top (I heard wobbly fence is better to keep in poultry because they can’t perch on top). The woods behind me are a swamp and it is treacherous so I don’t want to chase them thru the muck and abandoned junk people leave back there.

I’ve never seen any of them try to fly, but they probably knew there was a roof.
In the past I've owned turkeys, and mine could fly over my 5 foot fence just fine. But, they might actually be scared of the hardware cloth if it's unstable. If you want to try it, let them in that area and watch them to see if they make an attempt to escape.

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