Question re: Soy Sauce?


Mar 28, 2020
Is there any issues with ducks and chickens eating rice that has soy sauce on top?

Just thought I'd check, since most of the time when they get rice its dinner leftovers.
Fowl shouldn't eat anything high is grains
Could you please explain how you feed your chickens. If you look at the label of a bag of chicken feed you'll see a lot of grains are inside. If you look at organic chicken feed most if it is grain.

Chickens do not handle high sodium content well. Soy sauce is high in sodium. It's not what is in one bite, it's how much sodium do they eat over time. "One bite won't kill them" comes into play. I don't know how many chickens you're talking about or how much rice with soy sauce. If it were a very small amount o soy sauce and rarely I wouldn't worry too much but I'd be careful to not give them much. Chickens need salt just like we do. Chicken feed contains some salt but if you look at the label, not much.
Could you please explain how you feed your chickens. If you look at the label of a bag of chicken feed you'll see a lot of grains are inside. If you look at organic chicken feed most if it is grain.
Whoops, I meant excessive amounts of scratch grains, so cracked, rolled, and whole grains. A chicken fed entirely off of grains won't be as healthy as a chicken with a balanced diet. That's all.

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