

In the Brooder
12 Years
Apr 10, 2007
Hey everyone i have a question i have nest boxes and there are some hens laying in there but there a breed that doesnt like to go broody will another hen who is broody take the eggs and sit on them even if there not hers?
If I'm understanding you're asking if a bunch of laying hens drop eggs in a box, will another lady sit on them as her clutch. Absolutely! I have girls who don't like to go broody, but they do like to "donate" to my broody hens all the time. A broody can magicly get a clutch of eggs in no time if enough girls decide to donate to the cause.

Thank you so much and yes thats what i meant i have 16 hens who are at laying age but none seem to be broody yet but i know the rhode island reds which i have the most off often don't go broody and thats why i was asking if one of the other hens would gladly use her eggs and Also is you could tell me i put new nesting boxes in my coup does playing a egg in the nest really get them to lay there?
Yes, my RIR hen will sit on eggs if there's more than 4 at once (like yesterday, when it was raining so hard I just couldn't find the strength to go out to collect the eggs).

I found her laying on 7...she's such a nut! haha
No, not yet, this behavior just started last week.

I am at my limit in the city with fowl, so even though I'd love for her to hatch some, I'm not sure that people would want to buy the breed mixes these would be...and I'd have to sell them as I can't have any more.

Imagine, the breed mix would be 1/2 Buff Orpington and either 1/2 Brahma or 1/2 Black Australorp or 1/2 RIR. LOL

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