RabOral V-RG


12 Years
May 20, 2007
east long island
does any one know anything about the RabOral V-RG rabies vaccine for raccoons? my county dropped them by helicopter and i am concerned about the effects on my chickens and dogs. my kids are old enough to know better.
i am searching it now but any personal experience would be appreciated.
Dropped it from helicopter?? Hmmm, I have never heard of that. Is there a high case of rabies in coons there? Good luck....hope you fine the answers....maybe contact whoever dropped it...or a vet??
this is company's link in case any one else wants to know bare basic facts. it is reported on local news website that there were 15 rabid raccoons this yr, but the county is closed for weekend, and they are ones doing this. i will call vet in am to ask but company says safe....for dogs cats and cattle, nothing about chickens. the reason i am so worried is i had 2 chicken deaths this week.

"What if my dog or cat eats a bait unit?
Since the bait units are manufactured to attract wild animals, they might also attract dogs and cats. The bait itself is made of fishmeal and other materials and does not contain vaccine, the vaccine is in the polymer sachet. Most domestic cats cannot penetrate the polymer bait, thus rarely eat the vaccine container. Remember you should never attempt to take a bait away from your pet, as you may be bitten. Should your pet eat the RABORAL V-RG
bait unit in its entirety, it has been demonstrated safe in more than 50 species of animals including dogs. Please note that if your pet has eaten a bait unit, this is not considered to be a vaccination. Please consult your veterinarian for your pet's vaccination needs.

Can this vaccine be used to vaccinate my cat or dog against rabies?
has been tested for safety in numerous domestic species (dog, cat, cattle) and was proven to be safe. Only rabies vaccines administered by veterinarians are considered to be proof of vaccination. The wildlife oral vaccine will not harm your dog or cat but the vaccine does not replace conventional rabies vaccines."

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