Raising guinea hens and complications.

Just thought I’d weigh in on the guineas raised with chickens part of this thread. We brooded 15 guineas with ducks and chicks. Guineas got very aggressive with broodmates at 12 weeks old, way before breeding season. I ended up rehoming aggressive ones and have 8 female and only 1 male (Ghost) left. I assume it’s breeding season now but I’ve seen no eggs. Ghost seems to have a harem with his favorite four guinea gals, the rest of the guinea gals hang out nearby but separate. Ghost has not been worse in spring so far. I only have supervised free range time with guineas and other birds, and Ghost seems to understand that I’ll push him with the herding stick if he pesters the roosters and ducks. He’s very funny about it, will creep over and act like he’s going to go after a rooster, until I walk over, then he acts like he’s innocently pecking the ground and drop his attack. I’ve also seen one of the roosters breed one of the guinea gals that is not one of Ghost’s main gals.
Ooohhh gotcha! Thanks

Maybe I will stick with chickens :lau
Sorry for my late response. When I introduce adult guineas to my flock, I trim their feathers. That way, they can't fly. It still takes a while to integrate them with the flock and they don't like to go in at night but at least they are safe. The only predator I have on my land are snakes but the Muscovy ducks and guineas seem to do fine with the snakes somehow. My turkeys though are snake dinner as a snake killed one of my broody turkey hens last week.

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