Riboflavin feed and treat suggestions?


Feb 9, 2023
I have an 8 month old hen who has been limping for about 4 months. She can move her leg, but not her toes. Her toes are not curled. Already checked for humblefoot, scaly leg mites, sores, etc. I even gave her legs an epsom salt bath just in case, and also applied vaseline and anti fungal solution for mites and possible infections.

She stopped laying a few months ago when this started happening. She is not egg bound, else she would have been dead by now. She tends to sit by herself away from the flock, but she still eats and drinks normally. She hobbles around on one leg to get to her food and water. The other hens do not bully her. Her comb is small and pale red, compared to the others.

She is also vaccinated for Mareks. The other hens are perfectly fine, health wise.

She can move her leg, but not her toes, so she keeps her feet tucked whenever she hobbles around. I caught her trying to perch one night and her good toes were wrapped the perch, but not her bad ones.

She does roost with the other hens at night, but during the day, she just sits around being anti social.

I talked to my local agricultural extension, and someone suggested it could be a vitamin deficiency like riboflavin and B vitamins.

Does anyone have any suggestions on feed and treats that are high in riboflavin and B vitamins? If she is suffering from a vitamin deficiency then the others may at some point too, since they all eat the same feed and treats. I want to stop and/or prevent it if possible.

Thank you in advance!
400.i.u vitamin E and a third of b complex tablet for a few weeks.
No treats will contain the doses needed.
Can you please clarify this? I am not sure I understand. Is there a particular brand or type of tablet that has what you are taking about? I do not trust myself to be able to measure this correctly…
Can you please clarify this? I am not sure I understand. Is there a particular brand or type of tablet that has what you are taking about? I do not trust myself to be able to measure this correctly…
Any brand, vitamin E is sold by the i.u. just find 400 strength. All b complex tablets have similar strength, so about a third of any tablet is fine. You can get these at the grocery store.
Just pull down her waddle and pop it in her mouth and she'll swallow it.
Do you have any pictures of her or her feet and legs? Vitamin B 2 Riboflavin is best given in a human B complex vitamin tablet daily.Dosage is 1/4-1/2 tablet which can be crushed into a little food or dissolved in a spoonful of water. Beef liver, just a small bit, has a lot of b vitamins as well.

If there was a riboflavin deficiency, it can become permanent if not treated early. Most of the time both legs would be affected with curled under toes and walking or sitting on the hocks. It could be possible that she has suffered an injury to her sciatic nerve, or something internally is pinching it.
Do you have any pictures of her or her feet and legs? Vitamin B 2 Riboflavin is best given in a human B complex vitamin tablet daily.Dosage is 1/4-1/2 tablet which can be crushed into a little food or dissolved in a spoonful of water. Beef liver, just a small bit, has a lot of b vitamins as well.

If there was a riboflavin deficiency, it can become permanent if not treated early. Most of the time both legs would be affected with curled under toes and walking or sitting on the hocks. It could be possible that she has suffered an injury to her sciatic nerve, or something internally is pinching it.
It is difficult for me to take a pic of her feet only. Basically, it is like she has lost all feeling in her toes only. She can move her leg, but she can’t move her toes in a way that they can spread out on the ground so she can walk.

I can move her toes (they are not stiff or anything) but she can’t move them on her own.

I hope I am not too late to treat her since this has been going on for months. I thought it was a simple sprained leg, but she has not recovered.

I have tried massaging her leg and checked for broken bones, but she did not squirm or anything when I did that.

Do you have bottle pics of the type of B2 riboflavin you use for your hens? I am just very lost on what to get. I fear I am going to mess up and give too much dosage or too little. I take B2 for myself and they are very tiny gel capsules. So I don’t think I can give them what I personally use…

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