RIR hen pacing along coop wall, acting odd


Aug 19, 2022
Hey all. This is my first time raising chickens. These ladies were born the beginning of April. My RIR hen has starting acting very odd just a couple hours ago. She is pacing along the walls of the coop kind of looking up the wall. She is also very vocal right now. She has been laying for a few months now without issue. All of my other hens are acting normal and calm, winding down for bedtime. I searched this site and others to try to find something similar to what I am seeing in her but I have had no success. She is normally pretty chill and will let me pick her up without too much struggle. Right now she is frantic and runs away. I have checked her out the best I can and have found no obvious explanation.

In this last video (taken from my coop cam) you can see her try to jump up the wall.

I appreciate any insight!
My first thought would be to check if there's either something she might want up there, or possibly something that she finds alarming in the environment.

I have a hen who was a house chicken for a bit, and every evening she would start to pace the fence and vocalize kind of like yours is doing because she was ready for bed and wanted inside but was blocked from doing so on her own. I've also seen some of my hens jump for things that they wanted that were out of reach.

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