Rooster scolding hen?


Oct 22, 2020
SE NM (desert)
Can a rooster scold a hen for bad behavior? I was carrying one of my lap hens. When I put her on the ground my rooster (he’s a nice guy) grabbed her neck feathers. She, of course started squalling and tried to get away. I gave it a couple seconds to resolve but finally broke it up and they are both okay. Was he mad at her for “being with another rooster”? It was totally out of character for him.

BTW - I am totally addicted to chicken behavior and communication. If you know of any great articles/websites/books please let me know. I’ve read all the articles on BYC several times.

I have a couple hens that have a bad habit of pecking rooster combs. My Alpha Rooster Dino will peck the head of a hen that tries to peck his comb.
He was probably 'reclaiming' her.
How old are these birds?
I've had females peck at other birds I had been holding.

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