Rooster's Spur Came Off & New One Looks Red


Feb 20, 2021
So I went outside today with my chicks to try to help integrate them into the flock more & I noticed that one of my rooster's spurs was a lot shorter than the other & looked very red. I can't catch him without another person because he's too skittish so I can't look at it closely so I can't tell if it's blood or just tomato juice because I did throw a few tomatoes in there but here's the best picture I got of him and a picture of the shedded spur. And would anyone know why a rooster's spur would come off?
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I would leave it alone. When a rooster tears off a spur, it leaves the tendon part underneath, and it can bleed. It also is vert tender, but he will grow a new one. When mine did, his spur grew in and curled into his leg, so just watch for that later, and trim them if needed.

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