Second round of chicks coming from Ideal


Sep 17, 2012
Kingston, TN
We had a great experience with chicks ordered from Ideal this past fall. We started getting eggs at week 19 and more girls pop out eggs daily. We ordered a second batch last night for flock number two.
2 Black sex links
2 Red sex links
2 Gold sex links
2 EE's
2 Ideal 236's
2 Ancona's
I've got 6 weeks to finish coop and run number two

Chicks came from Ideal Wednesday. There were the 12 we ordered plus 9 silver laced wyandotte packing peanuts. Same thing we got last time. The girls are doing well. We did have a DOA packing peanut and another one died yesterday. He was really small. I separated the girls from the boys. We won't be keeping them long anyway.We have fed them yogurt, eggs, and added ACV to their water just to start them well.
The day I picked them up from the post office, Tractor Supplies chicks were all there too. They came form ideal also. Ordered just in time. Ideal shows nothing available until April.


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