Sex link question

Umm, wait a minute. Are you talking about the OPs birds in particular, that you know from some other post are Easter Eggers?

Ameraucana are most definitely a breed. They are crossed with other breeds to make EE's.
Unless this is a matter of spelling, for instance I saw one hatchery that called theirs Americanas and they were visually obvious EE's.
But Ameraucana is a ludicrously awkward name to spell so I wouldn't be relying on individuals spelling to identify breeding. Unless you have some other info?
I know that Ameraucanas are a breed. But I presumed the OPs birds were EEs based off how the name was spelled.
Umm, wait a minute. Are you talking about the OPs birds in particular, that you know from some other post are Easter Eggers?

Ameraucana are most definitely a breed. They are crossed with other breeds to make EE's.
Unless this is a matter of spelling, for instance I saw one hatchery that called theirs Americanas and they were visually obvious EE's.
But Ameraucana is a ludicrously awkward name to spell so I wouldn't be relying on individuals spelling to identify breeding. Unless you have some other info?
Thank you Sour Roses, for responding appropriately!! I am rather tired of seeing Ameraucanas being called Easter Eggers, which is not true, from everything I have studied and read. Maybe some should read John Blehm's book!

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