Sexing chicks

LOL isn't that the benefit of sex link chicks... you can tell at hatch based on color characteristics?
I've sexed day-old chicks using wing feather length with 100% accuracy. Pullets feather faster than males, so at a day old they should have longer feathers.
Zoom in on the wings and you can see the difference in these brahma chicks.
This pullet has small primary feathers growing in:
View attachment 2501191
This cockerel has no feathers growing in:
View attachment 2501193
This method works best when you compare the same breed to each other. Different breeds can have totally different wing lengths at hatch, so it doesn't really work comparing those breeds to each other.
There's a lot of debate on whether this works or not, so form your own educated opinion.
Can anyone give me information on sexing chicks at 1 day old? At 1 week? Older?

Which breeds and colors? There are some that you can sex at hatch but it's pretty limited. What are you working with. If they are crosses of different colors or breeds, which one is the father and which the other?

The first post in this very long thread explains what it takes to sex certain chicks by a sex linked method. This post only covers red sex links, black sex links, and feather sexing but there are few other methods. If the parents are set up properly genetically then it works. If they are not then it doesn't work.

Tadkerson’s Sex Link Thread

This link tells you what characteristics the different sexes show as they grow. These are more general, they are often more clues than absolutes. Many of these traits kick in at 5 weeks, though sometimes you can sex a chick younger. Sometimes five weeks isn't nearly enough. Experience does help with this.

How to sex chicks

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