Should I paint the inside of the coop to weather proof it?

Ha, me to, me to. I’m definitely going to add more ventilation now. Good luck on your first winter, it’ll be great for them to have a covered run
We built our run this past Spring. We have not had rain per say all summer. Well we have had a summer's worth of rain in the past 12 hours!! The run is a mud pit! Ugh. That just added more to the list.
Speaking of which, what does everyone use in their runs for flooring? Right now ours is unearthed loam and roots.
Speaking of which, what does everyone use in their runs for flooring? Right now ours is unearthed loam and roots.
Would be beset to start a new thread about your run, with pics and location. but Fix any drainage issues first.
My runs have semi-deep litter(cold composting), never clean anything out, just add smaller dry materials on occasion, add larger wood chippings as needed.

Best of luck to you too. Honestly the amount of time we spend just trying to figure out how to do anything, realize we did it wrong, take it apart, and redo it is a lot.
We also spent a good 2-3 hours trying to figure out how to figure out the nesting box roof pitch. We tried doing all this weird math and in the end we realized we could’ve just done this super simple solution in the first place. I hope you finish before winter, best wishes!
Oh my gosh and wow is it overbuilt! Instead of redoing, just add more wood! I got the nest box done and while I wish I had made it deeper on the outside and the lid not so steep, I am thrilled!

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