Single Speckled Sussex


Apr 3, 2022
Northeast Florida
I have one speckled Sussex out of my six girls (the others are 2 blue Australorps, one black australorp, 2 white leghorns). The speckled seems to get shunned by all the others. She and the black australorp came to the flock in a second batch of four…two were Roos and had to go to the farm. But, even her pal, the black australorp, starts to act domineering to her. She does get to eat and drink, but will run if the others come around. She roosts at night with them, and seems to do ok. No blood drawn or anything like that. I know she is very good at getting out of their way, and will “hang in there “ when getting treats. I think it bothers me more than her… I am wondering if she would be better off at a local farm or just stay the course. I really like her in my flock, just not sure what to do, if anything. Thanks!
I'd keep her.
I have a flock of 30 to 40 and I find that there are always some loners. If they have company on the roost at night they are happy. Rehoming a single bird will be hard on her. She is a part of the flock, albeit the low gal in the pecking order. It is usually harder on us, than on them.
I have the exact same issue with my SS. They are too nice to a fault. However, with Lucy, my SS, I cannot figure out what came first - the chicken or the egg (haha). Meaning, I don't know if she is a loner because they constantly push her out, or if she is a loner because she wants to be. I think it is a little of both. In any case, when I bring them treats, or cooked food, I feed Lucy hers myself. I also block off certain parts of the coop when I know she is actively foraging for something because my barred rocks are constantly following her to take whatever she has. And sometimes, like when we have a thunderstorm and all of the birds go under the large table (even though there is a tarp over that part of the run), and they push Lucy out - I pick her up and bring her in the house.

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