Sizzle x Frizzled?


In the Brooder
Apr 8, 2020
Hardy, VA
He llo!

I have some sizzle hens & a frizzle Cochin rooster. I’ve read it’s not okay to breed frizzle to frizzle, so far with my research I have not seen anything about breeding a sizzle to a frizzle.

Can anybody provide any guidance to with this?

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I'm not sure, but I would post this over in the Genetics forum.

I would assume that it's probably not a good idea.
Sizzle is frizzle, just with silkie feathering.

Breeding Frizzle to frizzle gets you 1/4 "frazzle" chicks, chicks that have so much frizzling that their feathers are brittle.

Silkie is a recessive gene, so it wouldn't show up in the offspring, leaving you with normal, frizzle, and frazzled chicks.
Better to be safe than sorry! 😊
Exactly! I’ll be selling off more of my sizzle chicks if that’s the case. I posted and we will see what the genetics folks have to say... also reading everything I can on that forum now, I didn’t realize there was a genetic area! Thank you for the recommendation

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