Stall management for calves


12 Years
Oct 1, 2011
My 2 6-month calves have been choosing to lie down in the poopy corner of their stall instead of in the pasture under a shade tree where it's clean and breezy. They're gross. I've cleaned the stall and spread pine shavings, but they eat the shavings, poo everywhere, and lie down in it again. Would shutting them out of the stall seem like a good choice? It's their only shelter. They have access to large pasture with a few trees in it.
Yes. They are probably going in as much from the routine of it than any other reason. If they have shade in hot weather and a windbreak in cold weather and a dry place to go then they will do better outside; they probably will even without shade depending on where you are. Oh, I'd put them in if it hails and let them in if there is freezing rain.
Yes. They are probably going in as much from the routine of it than any other reason. If they have shade in hot weather and a windbreak in cold weather and a dry place to go then they will do better outside; they probably will even without shade depending on where you are. Oh, I'd put them in if it hails and let them in if there is freezing rain.
It's super hot & humid here. They've lost most of their winter coats but they seem sensitive to the heat. But I'm thinking shade and breeze would be a decent option!

Oh, I might not have allowed enough for different climates. Cattle will go into barns to get away from flies too, especially deer flies or horse flies. The flies don't bother as much in the darker place, especially if there is also a good breeze. Hotter climates might have more trouble with that.
Only time we ever let our cattle in the stalls was feeding time. That's only for the mommas with young calves. Rest of the time the stalls are closed off. Rest of the herd eats out of a trough. Once the heifer starts weening the calf we quit stall feeding.

If ya having fly issues get a fly sock and soak it down to let the cattle rub on it.

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