Strange Baby

So over a year ago my family got these baby chicks. They were called Smokey Pearl by TSC. I have always thought that they were named wrong as they got bigger because they looked nothing like the pictures I've seen. Only one of our hens I THINK might be one. Anyway never really was curious until now because we have gotten a chick from the bunch and he does not look like any of our chickens. Just wanted to see if you guys could figure it out better than I can! I'm pretty sure our hens are mixes for sure just don't know what kind. In the past TSC gave me Rhode Reds but they ended up being Cornish X's. The pictures are the hen who hatched, and the chick from today, when I first saw them there was the yellow chick but it has since died. And that's the rooster. Also the hen that COULD be the mom. She is the only one different from the others.
I came here trying to find the name of mine that looks like a leghorn-which looks exactly like a california white, yet I have never heard that name until recently.

Were they straight run? Knowing I have poor luck I got 3 which I thought were "pearl onyx". They were supposed to have black skin, white feathering with black spots; like you only 1 of them turned out that way.

I assumed they're bred with silkies somewhere bc their melanism, all on the smaller side, and 1 even has extra toes. Unfortunatley for her they are not silkie sized and she has a bad hip/knee thing I'm still trying to figure out. All 4 recently started laying so I know they won't be changing much, but each one is completley different-pictures to come

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