Stupid opossum!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 17, 2013
Went to check on my girls in their new home two nights ago when I got off work. Walked out with just the light on my phone, shined it on top of the run and saw the biggest **** oppossum I've ever seen. I scared it off by throwing a stick at it but the **** thing came back last night. So far he hasn't got into the run. Any tips on how I can get rid of him for good? The only gun I have that I can shoot in town is a BB gun, I don't have any traps. It's also pooped on top of the run twice.
An investment in a hav-a-hart trap is worth the money. I guarantee you have more than one opossum, lots of raccoons as well as other predators.
Some agencies loan/rent them also. The department of conservation loans a very nice trap here for a 100 returnable deposit. A hav-a-hart is cheaper than that though they do give the money back.
I've heard the humane society loans them but was told by a friend they didn't give their money back.
After it's in the trap, fill a trashcan with water and drop the trap in after making sure you insert a rod to keep the doors from opening when it's verticle.
I'll bet if you live in the continental United States that there are lots more than one.
And even if there aren't today, there will be tomorrow or the next day.
You could also run a hot wire around the base of your run or around the top to discourage climbing. It's simple, not expensive, is permanent and effective. It has worked for me for many years. And if you do decide you are going to trap hopefully you will dispatch the animal in a more humane way then drowning. And yes, if you have one possum there are more. I have all manor of predators here including possum, I see their tracks and occasionally the animals themselves. But since my pens are secure and there is no food left out anywhere on the place there is no meal for them here and they move on, I don't loose sleep over it.
The wife suggested an electric wire the other day. I think we'll look into the a before the traps. Not to keen on the idea of drowning an animal.

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