Suspected voles in chicken yard.


6 Years
Mar 4, 2017
East Tennessee
I suspect I have vole borough in my chicken covered pin/ yard. Lots of 2 inch holes. And what was a previous ground hog borough we closed off. Any ways am wondering if anyone has tips how to get rid of them without using poison as my chickens use that yard for enclosed area to protect them from other predators.
Your little velociraptors aren't digging up the tunnels in pursuit of the yummy, protein-rich snacks?

Mine go for the mole/vole tunnels first thing when I move the pen.
They are definitely doing their scratching thing but those holes were in existence before we added the covered one and only place I could add a run attached to their coop exit which is a horse stall in barn
Voles aren't the problem, the 2" tunnels are. Weasel type critters and rats can easily get in too, and they are going to take chickens, eggs, and disease.
Can you add a dig proof edge to your fencing there?
Pictures of your coop and run will help us here.
We are still in process of fixing run area as an expansion
I suspect I have vole borough in my chicken covered pin/ yard. Lots of 2 inch holes. And what was a previous ground hog borough we closed off. Any ways am wondering if anyone has tips how to get rid of them without using poison as my chickens use that yard for enclosed area to protect them from other predators.
Years ago I remember these smoke bombs that you lit and put down the hole and put a rock on top. I think they sell these for moles.

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