swollen/damaged eye


My Patronus is a Chicken
11 Years
Apr 22, 2008
We keep our meat chickens and turkeys at a local farm. When we were down at the farm doing daily chores today, I checked in on the turkeys that belong to the farmer. We split an order from cackle so they are the same age as my poults, about 5 wks. I noticed that one of his black spanish has a swollen face right around the eye area. We picked it up to get a closer look and the eye looks like a total loss. Under the lids, there is just swollen tissue, doesn't even look like an eye. There is a small bloody spot on the top of its head. I will try to get some pictures when I go down tomorrow. What could have happened to this poult? Do you think it had its eye pecked or maybe it's the result of some kind of infection? The farmer today put some antibiotic on the eye area and blue kote on the bloody spot. Should we do something else for it?
It does look better today, not quite as swollen. Still no idea how it happened.



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