The Duck Fortress -- A work in progress


In the Brooder
Mar 22, 2015
I thought it might be interesting to document our progress on our "duck fortress". 'Tis but a frame now, but soon it will have plenty of fencing to go around!

I measured it today; the whole thing comes to 2,069! We originally planned for it to be a little smaller and then expand later, but I'm SO glad we went big. That means we won't have to expand it when we increase our flock size :D

Outside duck plan:
-Storage shed turned duck house (30'x10', about a third of that is a run in (no enclosed))
-1" PVC coated chicken wire, bent 90 degrees outward at the bottom, then that section will be buried
-24" hard ware cloth at the bottom wrapped around entire fence; doors will also be completely covered in hard ware cloth
-6 foot welded wire for extra strength/support
-electric wire running the top and bottom of the fence
- barbed wire at the top of the fence

Duck plan:
my husband and I are starting our own business in duck eggs! After running many, many numbers, we've discovered than if there is high demand for the eggs, we can make a living off of about 350 ducks. For now we've just started with 52 (with 4 geese on the way :D )

Without further delay, here is a photo of the duck house,

P.S. Forgive me if I sound weird or disjointed in this post...I'm fighting heavy eyelids on the couch right now. Maybe I need sleep...

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