The FAQ: What Chicken Breed Should I Get?

Oct 20, 2017
Hello, readers!
Sorry if I posted this in the wrong section..

Okay, I wanted to create a thread giving advice to people who are planning on getting some chickens, but don't know what breeds are best for them.

Well, take some things into consideration...
What do you want in your chickens? Do you want them for eggs, pets, meat, show, or a little bit of everything?
Now take your climate/area you live in into consideration. Do you need a cold hardy or heat hardy breed, or both? Are your springs and autumns often cooler/very wet? Do you live in the city and need quiet breeds?

The top chicken I'll recommend for now is the Speckled Sussex. They're good layers (not the highest production breed, though...probably around 4 a week on average), they're pretty, they're meaty, and they're friendly.

If I get enough responses/questions asked in here, maybe I could edit it and post the questions and my (or someone else's, if they want to join in) answers in this first post, so other people can see the answers without scrolling through this thread so much (if it gets lots of responses, which it probably won't). :)

Anyways, moving along!

For cold hardy breeds that also lay well in winter, I recommend:
1. Chanteclers (these birds were bred for the cold!)
2. Wyandottes
3. Dorkings
4. Faverolles
5. Barred Rocks
6. Rhode Island Reds
7. Speckled Sussexes
8. Buff Orpingtons
9. Black Australorps
For heat hardy breeds, I suggest:
1. White Leghorns
2. Red Sex Links
3. Black Australorps
4. Anconas
5. Hamburgs
7. Easter Eggers
For breeds that lay well in heat and cold, I suggest:
1. Black Australorps
2. Wyandottes
3. Dominiques
4. Rhode Island Reds
For a breed to lay well in an often- wet climate (and cold), I recommend a Barnevelder.

Well, this thread should still be a work-in-progress, but for now, I'll stop here.
Hope that helps, and I'm looking forward to experts coming in and adding their actual experiences/advice, and post away if you have any questions, and I or someone else will hopefully answer!

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