The funniest thing happened with my sheep!


There's a piggy in the pasture
Aug 22, 2019
Martin county, Florida
When I went out to my barn in the morning I found a newborn already cleaned lamb sleeping right next to my only adult sheep, Maple, I didn't even know she was pregnant! I bought Maple, her daughter, and son together (her daughter died a couple months ago for a unknown reason) when they were still nursing on her about 4-5 months ago. She must have been pregnant when I bought her without me or her former owner knowing that she was! Maple's new baby is really big and healthy, she must have gave birth to him/her in the night! I named the baby Sydney because I don't know if she/he is a boy or girl because Maple isn't letting me get near him/her. Now including Sydney I have 10 lambs and 1 sheep.

Happily hearing baaas,


We had a horse at the barn that was named Happy.
The lady had went to buy a show horse and ended up taking a heavily pregnant horse in the deal.
She was on the smaller side and supposedly bomb proof so she thought it would be a good starter horse for her granddaughters.
Anyways when she got to their place to show them the suprise she also got a suprise when she opened the trailer and there was a foal.
They named it Happy because it was a happy suprise.

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